I’m Running!

I am so proud of the race we ran in 2021, and the tremendous support from the community. What a campaign it was! While, like many of you, I was disappointed in the outcome, I look back on that time fondly and cherish the friends I made throughout the campaign (and making a bit of history with you all)!

As you may remember, I was deemed the winner of a tied race for the At-Large City Council seat in 2021 after my name was drawn from a “salad bowl,” but the results were reversed after a recount gave the seat to my opponent by just 35 votes.

I have decided to run for the seat again in the November 5th election as a Clean Election candidate. With your help, this time around, we will work even harder to make sure a salad bowl isn’t needed to determine the winner.

I intend to bring the same enthusiasm to the upcoming race with a focus on issues of importance to Portland residents regarding quality of life, preservation of parks and public spaces, great K-12 schools, equity in our community, fiscal responsibility and affordable housing.

My reputation as one who takes a cooperative approach to complicated issues and a penchant for building consensus, I believe, along with a background in municipal law, community volunteer and experience gained from serving as Chair of the Planning Board, gives me a distinct advantage over my opponents.

I am particularly proud of being a good listener, problem solver and pragmatic with NO hidden ideological, politically focused agenda. Portland deserves better than the recent wave of divisive politics. It’s time we start listening to one another and doing the hard work residents expect of their elected representatives to make Portland livable, safe, sustainable, and affordable.

Quite simply, I love my hometown of Portland. Please join me in moving Portland forward in a positive way by putting people first, not politics.
